
Online Casino Strategy Blackjack: The Game Variants


The game of 21 is known

Originally named as twenty one, Blackjack is a widely popular casino game around the world. There is no clear proof about the emergence of this game. However, the first ever reference to this game is found in short story written in 1602 in Spain. It started getting increasing popularity in the 17th century first in the French casinos. In 1800, it came to the United States where the casinos started offering a payout of 10 to 1 to players who chose Jack of Clubs or Jack of Spades with Ace of Spades. This Online casino strategy Blackjack was used to attract new players and promote the new game and the name is used ever since then.

Spanish 21

The game of 21 is known by the name Blackjack right from the time of in4troduction in the USA. The popularity of this game has inspired casino game developers to come up with large number of Blackjack variants through all these years. Each of these variants features its own set of rules and characteristics to challenge the players.

Spanish 21

The major difference between Spanish 21 and regular Blackjack is that the former involves 48 card Spanish decks instead of 52 card decks. The four 10s eliminated by Spanish deck is not an advantage for the game players but the only reason for playing this variant is the liberal rules set which can be benefitted using the right strategy.

BlackJack Switch

In the last decade, BlackJack Switch was developed as one of the most exciting game variations. In this Online casino strategy BlackJack variant, there are two betting boxes in each position instead of one. He can choose to split, double or switch each or top cards before acting independently. This game variant employs twofold strategy – one for switching and the other for playing the two hands.

Double Exposure BlackJack

The main advantage in this BlackJack variant is knowing the dealer hand. The dealer cards both face upwards and thus the player knows the hand to beat. This feature has made the game so popular among BlackJack lovers. It can prove to be quite profitable if right strategy is used.


Spanish 21, BlackJack Switch and Double Exposure BlackJack, all these three game variants are perfect for those who are looking to try something new.Take a break from your daily routine and have some fun at

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